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- Gromov A.V. Fractality of artistic reality in the novel «Despair» by Vladimir Nabokov. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2024, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 87–93. (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 821.161.1.09”20”
- Publish date: 2024-10-08
- Annotation: The article examines the fractal nature of artistic reality in the novel «Despair» by Vladimir Nabokov. Fractality can be traced at the plot, narrative, and motivational levels of the artistic system. Despite the fact that realism is based on the mimetic principle, we will not find the fractal nature of artistic reality in the material of the vast majority of works that differ in the linear structure of the text, implying a beginning and an end. Fractality begins to manifest itself clearly in the works of modernism, which is due to the search for a new aesthetic. In the novel «Despair», we are dealing with a decentered text in which multilevel semantic labyrinths twist into complex patterns. The novel translates the idea of the similarity of a part to the whole, where various artistic images and events act as the first, and the second is Vladimir Nabokov’s hyperreality without beginning and end, “without referent and limit” within which, all objects and phenomena are permanently repeated, causing the effect of self–similarity of the artistic space. The images resemble their own faded copies, which lack the originals a priori. This is due to the author’s game strategy, which depicts not objects of the real world, but a simulated world of dolls and decorations, the ontological basis of which is the field of pure aesthetics.
- Keywords: fractal, artistic reality, hyperreality, absurdity, game principle, duality, narrative system
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