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- On the new legislative clarification of the powers of the prosecutor in the pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings
- Kobzaryov F. M. On the new legislative clarification of the powers of the prosecutor in the pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2020, vol. 26, № 1, pp. 199-203. DOI 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-1-199-203
- DOI: 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-1-199-203
- УДК: 347.963
- Publish date: 2020-01-27
- Annotation: The article examines the essence of legislative novels related to supplementing the powers of the prosecutor in pre-trial proceedings, analyses and predicts their impact on the formation of law enforcement practice and the development of the theoretical design of the procedural status of the prosecutor in the pre-trial stages of the criminal process. Particular attention is paid to the provisions related to checking reports of crimes and increasing the significance of the decision of the prosecutor to send relevant materials to the preliminary investigation body to resolve the issue of criminal prosecution. These important provisions also include the additional powers of the prosecutor to demand from the bodies of inquiry and investigative bodies the elimination of violations of federal law committed not only during the inquiry or preliminary investigation, but also directly during the reception, registration and resolution of reports of crimes. Along with a positive assessment of the amendments to existing laws, the article expresses doubts that the precise adjustments made to the supervisory powers of the prosecutor will significantly increase the efficiency of the authorised bodies and their officials in the pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings. At the same time, proposals on renaming the stage of initiating a criminal case and other theoretical positions on the characteristics of this stage, on creating barriers to concealing crimes from accounting, are substantiated.
- Keywords: prosecutor, stage of initiating criminal case, report of crime, powers of prosecutor, state unified statistical accounting.
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