- Vestnik of Kostroma State University. 2024. vol. 30. № 3
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Vestnik of Kostroma State University. 2024. vol. 30. № 3 p. 312
- Yu.V. Lebedev
The tragedy of A.S. Pushkin “Boris Godunov” and Russian literature of the second half of the XIX century
O.V. Golodniak
The author’s voice in the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin “Boris Godunov”
D.M. Nikitina
Boris Godunov of A.S. Pushkin evaluated by A.F. Voeykov’s Russky Invalid and Literary Supplement to Russky Invalid
S.N. Pyatkin
“Family Thought” in Pushkin’s Boldino Works
A.N. Romanova
“The dead do not disturb us for long”: Lovlas’s tear in “The Stone Guest” by A.S. Pushkin
N.A. Lobkova
“Materials for the biography of A.S. Pushkin” P.V. Annenkova: features of text construction
I.Yu. Smirnova
A.S. Pushkin’s Creativity at the reception of A.I. Ertel
V.G. Andreeva
Interpretation of the novel “The Captain’s Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin in the researches of foreign scientists
Yu.A. Azarov
Pushkin’s Jubilee of 1937 in Czechoslovakia
O.V. Shugan
M. Gorky and the History of the Restoration of the Pushkin Nature Reserve
A.G. Razumovskaya
A.S. Pushkin and Mikhailovskoye in critical articles by V.Ya. Kurbatov
M.A. Fokina, Shohra Mohammed
Pushkin’s word in the narrative discourse of V.Е. Maximov (based on the novels “Look into the abyss” and “The nomadism to Death”)
M.R. Nenarokova, Yu.N. Eremenko-Grigorenko
The elegy “Don’t ask me why, alone in dismal thought” by Аlexander Рushkin: a Comparative Analysis of Two English Translations
A.A. Rubtsov, M.R. Nenarokova
Peculiarities of the key images conveying of А.S. Pushkin’s poem “To the Slanderers of Russia” in English translations
- A.M. Melerovich, V.M. Mokienko, A.Y. Yakimov
Phraseological units representing cosmic chronotope in the Russian poetic worldview (including the materials from the dictionary „Phraseological units in the Russian poetry of the 19 th – 21 st centuries“)
N.P. Galkina
Statistical indicators of the correspondence of the language of regional newspapers in Kostroma Region to all-Russian standards: a syntactic approach
M.A. Firsova
The phenomenon of aggression in language: the problem of terminology
E.B. Volkova, V.L. Korotun
On structural-semantic features of complex sentences of heterogeneous subordination with a causal component in the scientifi c style of the Russian language (based on mathematical texts)
M.A. Khatlamadzhijan
Confl ict-generating potential of gender neologisms of English-language discourse
O.A. Pogoretskaya, Yu.Yu. Panchenko
Language of totalitarianism: national linguistic policy in fascist Italy and militarist Japan
F.Ya. Khabibullina, I.G. Ivanova
The functioning of comonyms in modern song texts of the Tatar and Mari peoples
- V.S. Okolotin
The role of military tribunals in the fi ght against labour desertion at textile enterprises of Ivanovo Region in 1942–1943
B.V. Petelin
Denazifi cation of the ideology of National Socialism in occupied Germany 1945–1949
I.V. Kometchikov, E.A. Zanko
Losses of the West Russian village due to the Axis aggression: scale and consequences
Yu.S. Nikiforov
“Politically mature and experienced one...”: some models of rotation of the fi rst secretaries of the Communist Party regional committee in the 2 nd half of the 1940s to the 50s (based on the materials of the Upper Volga regions)
A.N. Kezhutin
Problems of post-war development of regional healthcare (based on materials from the administrative department of Gorky Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks))
I.V. Krasinski
Pre-Revolutionary historiography of the problem of proof of membership in the nobility in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
L.N. Zaitsev
Chairmen of Kostroma district court: their role and place in the judicial system Russian empire (1871-1917)
E.V. Goncharenko, Z.Ya. Mikvabia, S.B. Taisaeva, S.N. Argun, O.A. Murzova, S.Jo. Dbar, S.N. Ardashelia
Trance stereotypies in human and primate pantomimicry
- K.V. Cherkasov
Once again on the question of the legal consequences of depriving a person of an academic degree and other issues in the system of scientific certification
A.A. Krasnoshchekov
Stages of the administrative procedure of state accreditation in the fi eld of higher education
G.S. Starodubtsev, V.V. Chernov
The phenomenon of Eurasian Economic Union law
Ya.V. Beznosova
The role of the Russian Animal Protection Society in improving the legislation of the Russian Empire in the fi eld of humane treatment of animals in the 2 nd half of the 19 th century
D.V. Gruzdev
Legal basis for adoption new subjects to the Russian Federation Part 1. Constitutional conditions
K.S. Golovin
The need for legal regulation of the ‟black box” of artifi cial intelligence
- E.I. Seifert
Estates as Places of Power
A.Yu. Petrov
The fi rst ideological course in higher education in modern Russia