- Vestnik of Kostroma State University. 2020. vol. 26. № 3.
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Vestnik of Kostroma state university. 2020. Vol. 26. № 3. 230 p.
- A.Ye. Vinogradov
About the names of the Dnieper rapids in the Rus’ language in De administrando imperio
A.G. Avdeyev
Inscription about the building and painting of the Epiphany Cathedral in Kostroma Epiphany Convent of Anastasia (CIR4010)
S.A. Kabatov, Ye.A. Kabatova
Source-historiographical study of the existence of the second Kostroma Kremlin (article 3)
Ye.L. Sarayeva, I.A. Tsoy
Peter Kropotkin, the participation of enlightened leaders of Eastern Siberia in the preparation of reforms in the early 1860s
T.Ch. Dzhabayeva
The problem of introduction of civil administration and judicial proceedings of the tsarist administration in Dagestan in the mid-19th century (based on the materials of Derbent district)
O.A. Semyonova
Children of servants in Russia in the mid-19th – the early 20th century
V.S. Okolotin, S.A. Orlova
The experience of creating the institution of constitutional supervision in pre-revolutionary Russia: results and lessons
S.V. Khomyakov
Campaign against the Old Believers’ religion in Buryatia in the 1920s: implementation methods
K.B. Sabitova
«Kazan museum herald» on museum work in Tatarstan in the 1920s
O.Yu. Oreshkin
Some features of the activities of Yaroslavl inter-district base of the «Torgsin» (Trade with Foreigners) in 1933–1935
A.Sh. Ayzatullova, M.A. Sudakov
The history of the creation and operation of the Tu-144 supersonic airliner (according to memoir sources)
S.A. Inikova
Old believers of Romania in the 21st century: new challenges to old traditions
G.S. Ragozin, A.A. Turygin, R.Yu. Boldyrev
Transformation of approach towards public service and the emergence of Humboldt university model in Prussia (1807–1810)
V.V. Dzyuban
Domestic policy of Charles IV of the Luxembourg dynasty: from the beginning of his reign to the founding of Karlsbad
- A.G. Volkova
The reception of Franciscan mystics in European poetry of the 17th century
A.E. Isakhanyan
The relationship between the concepts “Moscow, third Rome” and “Moscow, new Israel” and their role in the epilogue to Collection of 1647
I.A. Vinogradov
Little Russia and Great Russia in satire by Nikolai Gogol
K.A. Chekalov
Alexandre Dumas and a gothic novel (dedicated to 150th anniversary of the writer’s death)
N.I. Gorodilova
Features of the epic narrative in the novel «Anna Karenina» by Leo Tolstoy: from author to hero
Nguyen Thi Hoan, G.G. Yermilova
“Evangelical text” of the novel “Crime and Punishment” in Vietnamese translation
I.Yu. Luchenetskaya-Burdina, K.Ye. Poltevskaya
“The Cherry Orchard” by Anton Chekhov and “The Atonement” by Ignaty Potapenko: the artistic interdependence and the plot correspondence
V.V. Korolyova
Stylisation of ‟Hoffmann’s complex” in the stories by Aleksandr Chayanov
M.V. Olyunina
The portrait of Sergei Yesenin in essays-memoires of Yury Annenkov and Maxim Gorky
M.M. Radchenko
Ekphrastic representation of Eugène Delacroix’s painting “Liberty Leading the People” in Yu.P. Annenkov’s short story “A Small House in the 5th Christmas St.”
E.M. Boldyreva, E.V. Asaf’yevа
“House like a shadow”, “butterfly of revenge” and a “dead portrait”: motif concordance in Russian Gulag poetry and Chinese “fog poetry”
O.S. Gorelov
Surrealisation of sound: musicality, audial culture and sound in the modern Russian poetry (Vadim Bannikov, Vasiliy Borodin, Nikita Safonov)
- L.M. Сhurkina
Legal responsibility for economic offences
V.V. Pavlyukov
Practical methods of obtaining and using the results of the operational-search event “Obtaining computer information”
T.S. Kovalenko
Analysis of the quality of the court, prosecutor and lawyerswork on the basis of judicial statistics: statement of the problem of the need to improve the interaction of these entities
A.Yu. Mokhov, S.P. Malyshkin
Institution of public land servitude in the context of the theory of reflective action of law
V.K. Groshevaya
The activities of the Donbass criminal staff employees to combat crime on railway transport in the 1940s
- E.V. Haltrin-Khalturina
A new complex study “Russian Estate and Europe: diachrony, nostalgia, universalism”