- Vestnik of Kostroma state university. 2016. Vol. 22. № 2.
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Vestnik of Kostroma state university. 2016. Vol. 22. № 2. 232 c.
- V.M. Tyulenev
Between the monastery and the world: Magnus Felix Ennodius on monasticism and ascesis
S.A. Kabatov, S.A. Kurochkina, S.Ya. Alibekov
Using methods of science of natural history while analysing ceramic material of Vyozhi remainings
A.A. Mayorov
On the issue of localisation of annalistic Dedoslavl
V.Ye. Fedotov
Kyiv Mohyla Academy after Peter Mogila
V.V. Menshchikov, O.V. Tetyuyeva
The influence of exiled Decembrists on the social and cultural medium of the City of Kurgan
A.R. Pavlushkov
Floating prisons for minors and the role of religion in their correction: on the question of using foreign experience in Russia
S.V. Kasatkina
Role of the nobility in appearance of public libraries in the second half of the 19th — the 20th century(on the example of the Kostroma and Vladimir provinces)
O.A. Ivanova
Support of widows’ children as a form of public charity in Russia in the 19th century
K.K. Shurbayev
Conduct of the 7th partial mobilisation in Orenburg Land’s territory during 1904—1905 Russian-Japanese War
A.Ye. Kraynova
Pyotr Stolypin’s agrarian reforms’ second stage conduction peculiarities in terms of the Urals (1911—1916)
N.S. Mayorova
Unsealing of hallows of Sergius of Radonezh and campaign of hallows’ liquidation in all-Russia scale
A.S. Knyazev
Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial archival bureau of 1918—1920: the question of the establishment and activities
S.A. Zarubin
Juan Perón’s doctrine of the Third Position in Argentine’s foreign policy in 1946—1955
D.I. Sazonov
The semantic content of the parish administrative system in 1961 and its modification in 1988
A.V. Luchnikov, V.V. Khasin
Identification of the Soviet Germans in the “historic homeland” (FRG and the Volga region): mythologising of ethnic construct in the 1980s—early 1990s
G.A. Dovgilenko
British-German opposing views in the context of the European Union construction (1992—1997)
- A.V. Toporova
The theme of repentance among Medieval Italian authors: life and literature
A.P. Sklizkova
Symbolic meaning of a dance in Gerhart Hauptmann’s play “And Pippa Dances”
K.A. Chekalov
Doctor Alexis Carrel and the “sculptors of human flesh” in the works of Gaston Leroux
Yu.V. Lebedev
On religious motifs in “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy
N.V. Kapustin
Gender aspect in Alexander Ostrovsky’s creative work: the comedy “Wolves and Sheep”
N.L. Yermolayeva
Russian literary criticism of the mid 19th century on the folk culture and the culture of the nobility in the play “Stay in Your Own Sled” by Alexander Ostrovsky
N.K. Il’ina
Rhythmics of speech of actors as heroes performing plays by Alexander Ostrovsky
V.V. Tikhomirov
History of a friendship (relations of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin and Pavel Annenkov according to pen written sources)
A.N. Larionova
The cultural space as a historical and literary category (on the example of autobiographical Apollon Grigoryev’s prose)
A.A. Fedotova
The antique quotes in Nikolai Leskov’s story “The March Hare”
N.V. Nalegach
The poetics of the ekphrasis in Innokenty Annensky’s poems “To the portrait…”
V.A. Smirnov
Personality cosmisation in Ivan Bunin’s novel “The Life of Arseniev”
O.Ye. Reinbakh
Manuscript “The Horseshoe Finder” by Osip Mandelstam. Particullarities of the author’s working on free verses creation
O.A. Grimova
“Intrigue of word” in Mikhail Shishkin’s novel “The Taking of Izmail”
N.Ye. Levitskaya
Imaginative author level of world picture of discourse in the landscape lyrics by Oleg Chukhontsev
- Ye.V. Yakovleva, R.V. Agadzhanyan
Linguistic conformism as a stylistic device: characterising the pattern
N.S. Gromova
Specifics of interpretation of multicomponent creolised text
L.A. Devel’
Heritage lexicography as supporting tool for the international cooperation (conservation)
A.V. Velichko
Phraseologised sentences. Textual analysis
A.V. Zvyagintseva
Intonation as a marker of word associations of the information structure of the text (paradigmatic and syntagmatic levels)
L.V. Kishalova
Text sise selection influence on basic syllable-accent overrhythm calculation results of prose
N.Yu. Bazhenov
Zoomorphic images, modelling speech, in Russian patois
K.S. Kryukova
Features of transformations of proverbs with opposition in structure (on the material of the proverb there would be no happiness but unhappiness helped)
Z.T. Azizova
Linguistic means of representation of linguistic information in the historical novel by Vasily Yan “Genghis Khan”
T.V. Malinskaya
Linguistic personality and temporal language code (on material of works by I.A. Bunin)
O.S. Yegorova
Communicative and syntactic organization of the French sentence: a diachronic aspect
M.S. Gallyamova, N.V. Klenovaya
Translation techniques while dealing with abbreviations within business correspondence translation
M.V. Konstantinova
“Americanization” of European languages as the threat of loosing identity (on the example of modern Russian and French languages)
Ye.Yu. Shcherbatykh
Means of modifying evaluation and their realisation in the journalist’s utterances-interactions (on the material of modern British interviews)
V.G. Pertseva
The dictionaries of politicians’ language in the context of English lexicography
O.V. Kosonogova
Informal names of legislative, executive and judicial branches of power in Anglo-American systems of law
A.N. Koptsov
Language eclecticism as a feature marking the modern genre of “Russian Chanson” as reflected in the creative song poetics of Elena Vaenga
- V.Yu. Stel’makh
Some procedural aspects of the interaction between the investigator and expert in the appointment and manufacture of judicial examination
S.V. Smirnov
Problems of legal regulation of the organisation of municipal power in the present stage of the reform of local self-government in Russia
T.I. Nigmetzyanov
Kostroma municipal elections on the single voting day September, 13, 2015: electoral system and electoral process
S.I. Sayenko
The development of conceptual-categorical apparatus of the theory norms of administrative law in the Russian Empire
Ye.B. Serova, S.V. Dushkin
The organisation of Prosecutor’s supervision over the legality of the inquiry and preliminary investigation in criminal cases involving drug trafficking
O.N. Artyushina
Selected questions concerning the activities of legal clinical education in Russia
A.M. Shirokov
On the issue of development of provision of criminal prosecution carried out by an attorney concerning cases of infliction of property damage under false pretence and misuse of confidence in the scope of housing and communal services
A.V. Shatskaya
Audio recording as a security element of the observance of reasonable time in the district courts
V.V. Glushkov
Will the court reform go further in Russia
O.V. Ivanova, L.A. Siverskaya
The evolution of scientific views on the development of the principle of reasonable time of criminal proceedings
T.S. Kovalenko
The historical genesis of judicial power
S.P. Zhdanov, N.V. Kuznetsova
On the question of lobbying and lobbying activities
V.G. Bespal’ko
The talion law in old Testament criminal law
B.Ye. Roshchin
Development of the legislation on social protection of the Russian workers in 1918
- S.M. Usmanov
An intelligent person and the authorities: Mikhail Pogodin and Emperor Nicholas I on the eve of the Crimean War
I.A. Yedoshina
Russian lives: Mikhail Pogodin (1800—1875) and Mikhail Katkov (1817—1887)
O.B. Pankratova, A.A. Turygin
Mikhail Pogodin in memoirs of contemporaries and historical researches
A.V. Pavlov
On the issue of the “young eds” of “The Muscovite”
L.I. Sizintseva
“Travel notes” by Mikhail Pogodin about Kostroma Province