Lilia V. Kopot
Adygea State University
Kopot L.V. Gender-marked vocabulary in Internet discourse. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2024, vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 177–184. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2024-30-1-177-184
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2024-30-1-177-184
УДК: 81`373.23
Publish date: 2024-02-19
Annotation: The purpose of the study is to analyse gender-marked vocabulary –unusual feminitives that function in Internet discourse. Internet discourse is gender-marked. Topicality lies in the increased interest of native speakers, network users, writers, journalists in these linguistic units. This is due, on the one hand, to the pragmatic potential of feminitives, on the other hand, to the development of extralinguistic factors associated with both certain democratisation of speech, desire for pun, and spread of feminist views in society. Materials for the study include the texts of forums, chat messages, and questionnaires on social networks “Twitterˮ and “VKˮ. The work used methods of comparison to identify the attitude of representatives of different genders to the same phenomenon, and the method of component analysis to identify gender-marked semes. The study tested the hypothesis that Internet discourse is gender-marked and, using feminitives, represents the gender identity of participants in communication. The publication reveals the reasons for the functioning of feminitives on social networks. Those include the desire to overcome the androcentric picture of the world; gender language asymmetry; trends related to democratisation of the language, allowing the need for pun; and extralinguistic factors associated with the development of technologies, with the emergence of new types of activities that require nomination. An analysis of feminitives in Internet discourse shows that this layer of gender-marked vocabulary is of an occasional nature and refers to thematic groups including professions, positions, titles, occupation, and zodiac signs of people. Some feminitives originated from appellatives with suppletive stems. The largest number of feminitives has the suffix -к-, which is possibly due to the asemanticity of this formant. Feminitives, having powerful pragmatic potential, actively function not only in Internet discourse, but also in media and artistic types. Using the same gender-marked vocabulary, the authors convey both reclamation and peyorative value in relation to the statement, demonstrating a kind of “extension of the boundariesˮ of connotation, and a large semantic capacity associated with the use of feminitives.
Keywords: Internet discourse, gender, unusual feminitives, gender-marked vocabulary, femininity, gender neutrality, language game.
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Author's info: Lilia V. Kopot, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Adygea State University, Maykop, Adygea autonomy, Russia, kopot79@mail.ru