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- Verba I.P. Dictionary of the Russian popular language by A.N. Ostrovsky: ethnolinguistic approach, basic principles of compiling. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2023, vol. 29, № S, pp. 75–78.
- DOI:
- УДК: 811.161.1
- Publish date: 2023-07-27
- Annotation: A.N. Ostrovsky’s name is associated with the development of the direction of the Russian national language, which A.S. Pushkin set and which is expressed in connection of the book base with living popular language. The works by Ostrovsky, both fiction and non-fiction, are a valuable source of studying the processes of formation and development of the Russian national language in all the diversity of forms of its existence. This article is devoted to the Dictionary of the Russian popular language, on which Ostrovsky worked for many years, but which, unfortunately, he could not complete. We have listed and briefly characterized the archival sources that are stored in the Bakhrushin State Central Theater Museum (Moscow) and formed the basis of the Dictionary of the Russian popular language by Ostrovsky. In the article we describe the principles of compiling the Dictionary of the Russian popular language, presented by Ostrovsky in “Draft Notes to the Dahl’s Dictionary” and selectively published under the title “Analysis of the Dahl’s Dictionary”. We consider the Dictionary of the Russian popular language by Ostrovsky in an ethnolinguistic approach which was due to the increased interest in national culture in the 19th century and marked a new stage in the history of Russian lexicography.
- Keywords: Dictionary of the Russian popular language by A.N. Ostrovsky, the Russian national language, Ostrovsky’s language.
- Literature list: Gantsovskaia N.S. Iazyk dramaturgii Ostrovskogo [Ostrovsky’s drama language]. A.N. Ostrovskii. Entsiklopediia [Encyclopedia], ed. by I.A. Ovchinina. Kostroma, Kostromaizdat Publ.; Shuia, Izdatel’stvo ShGPU Publ., 2012, pp. 496-498. (In Russ.) Krzhivoblotskii Ia. Materialy dlia geografii i statistiki Rossii. Kostromskaia guberniya [Materials for geography and statistics of Russia. Kostroma Guberniya]. St. Petersburg, Tipografiia N. Tiblena i Ko Publ., 1861, 636 p. (In Russ.) Maksimov S.V. Literaturnye puteshestviia [Literary travel]. Moscow, Sovremennik Publ., 1986, 413 p. (In Russ.) Ostrovskii A.N. Neizdannye pis’ma [Unpublished letters], ed. by M.D. Prygunov, Iu.A. Bakhrushin, N.L. Brodskii. Moscow, Leningrad, Academia Publ., 1932, 741 p. (In Russ.) Ostrovskii A.N. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i pisem: v 16 t. [Complete works and letters: in 16 vols]. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo khudozhestvennoi literatury Publ., 1952, vol. 13, 404 p. (In Russ.) Ostrovskii A.N. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i pisem: v 16 t. [Complete works and letters: in 16 vols]. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo khudozhestvennoi literatury Publ., 1953, vol. 15, 328 p. (In Russ.) Ostrovskii A.N. Razbor slovaria Dalia [Analysis of Dahl’s dictionary]. O literature i teatre [About literature and theatre: collection]. Moscow, Sovremennik Publ., 1986, pp. 240-241. (In Russ.) Tolstoi N.I. O kurse istorii russkogo literaturnogo iazyka akademika V.V. Vinogradova [About Academician V.V. Vinogradov’s Russian literary language history course]. Vinogradov V.V. Ocherki po istorii russkogo literaturnogo iazyka XVII-XIX vekov [Essays on the history of the Russian literary language of the 17th – 19th centuries: textbook]. Moscow, Vysshaia shkola Publ., 1982, pp. 3-9. (In Russ.) Verba I.P. Materialy dlia slovaria russkogo narodnogo iazyka [Materials for the Dictionary of the Russian popular language]. A.N. Ostrovskii. Entsiklopediia [Encyclopedia], ed. by I.A. Ovchinina. Kostroma, Kostromaizdat Publ.; Shuia, Izdatel’stvo ShGPU Publ., 2012, pp. 252-253. (In Russ.) Verba I.P. Clovar’ russkogo narodnogo iazyka A.N. Ostrovskogo: printsipy sostavleniia, leksikograficheskie priemy [Dictionary of the Russian popular language by A.N. Ostrovsky: principles of compiling, lexicographical devices]. Slovo i slovar’ [Vocabulum et vocabularium: collection of scientific materials]. Minsk, Chetyre chetverti Publ., 2017, pp. 403-407. (In Russ.)