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- Historical aspects of the origin and formation of military and political relations between Mongolia (Mongolian people’s republic) and Russia (the USSR) (1860–1939)
- Ochhuu E. Historical aspects of the origin and formation of military and political relations between Mongolia (Mongolian People’s Republic) and Russia (the USSR) (1860–1939). Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2023, vol. 29, No. 4, рp. 72–78. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-4-72-78
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-4-72-78
- УДК: 94(470)’’1860/1939’’ ; 94(517.3)’’1860/1939’’
- Publish date: 2023-12-15
- Annotation: Historical milestones of the birth and formation of military and political relations between Mongolia and Russia over a long period of time, from the 1860s up to the beginning of World War II are analysed in the article on the basis of normative legal documents. It was the policies pursued by Russia and the USSR, along with a variety of external and internal factors, that were decisive in Mongolia’s gaining independence and sovereignty. The nature of the influence of Russia (USSR) on the formation and strengthening of the Mongolian army is considered in the article; as well as the participation of military instructors of the Russian Imperial Army and military representatives of the Russian Communist Red Army in the formation and training of Mongolian military troops and military units in the 1910-1920s; the main aspects of military and political co-operation between the USSR and Mongolia in the 1930s and on the eve of World War II are studied, in particular the specifics and issues of supplying weapons to the military units of the Mongolian army, as well as the role of the Soviet Union in the development of the Mongolian army. On the basis of previously published archival sources and materials, a detailed analysis of the organisation and construction of the Mongolian People’s Republic’s armed forces, their combat training and manning is carried out. Conclusion about the determining influence of military-political relations between Russia and Mongolia in the studied period on the formation of the Mongolian state and its armed forces, as well as on strengthening of Mongolia’s position in the international arena is made in the article.
- Keywords: Russian Empire, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, USSR, Manchuria, Mongolia, Mongolian People’s Republic, China, Mongolian-Russian relations, military-political relations
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