Olga A. Ovcharenko
Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Peculiarities of heteronymy in the lyrics by Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa
Ovcharenko O.A. Peculiarities of Heteronymy in the Lyrics of Fernando Pessoa. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2023, vol. 29, № 1, pp. 93–99 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-1-93-99
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-1-93-99
УДК: 821(469).09”20”
Publish date: 2023-03-06
Annotation: The author of the article focuses on the heteronymous lyrics of the great Portuguese poet F. Pessoa. The differences between the orthonymic and heteronymic lyrics of F. Pessoa are explained with the emergence of heteronymy in his poetry investigated. The author of the article reduces the heteronymy in the lyrics by F. Pessoa to the poems of Alberto Caeiro da Silva, Ricardo Reis and Álvaro de Campos and considers the main features of their lyrics. Along the way, the literary movements invented by F. Pessoa – paulism, intersectionism and sensationalism – are explored. It is concluded that heteronymy was the main means of artistic knowledge of the world in the works by F. Pessoa.
Keywords: Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa, orthonymy, heteronymy, paulism, intersectionism, sensationalism, creative work
Literature list: Bakhtin M.M. Problema poetiki Dostoevskogo [The problem of Dostoevsky's poetics]. Moscow, Sov. Rossiia Publ., 1979, 320 p. (In Russ.) Evreinov N.N. Dramaticheskie sochineniia [Dramatic writings]. Petrograd, Academia Publ., 1923, vol. 3, 132 p. (In Russ.) Kavalkanti Fil'o Zhoze Paulu. Fernando Pessoa. Pochti avtobiografiia [Fernando Pessoa. Almost an autobiography], trans. E. S. Teitelbaum. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., 2021, 696 p. (In Russ.) Ovcharenko O.A. Portugal'skaia literatura [Portuguese Literature]. Moscow, IMLI RAN Publ., 2005, 366 p. (In Russ.) Prado Koel'o Zh. do. Fenomen Fernando Pessoa [Phenomenon of Fernando Pessoa]. Pessoa Fernando. Lirika [Pessoa Fernando. Lyrics]. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya literatura Publ., 1978, pp. 5-32. (In Russ.) Khokhlova I.A. Poeticheskie maski Fernando Pessoa [Poetic masks by Fernando Pessoa]. St. Petersburg, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gos. un-ta Publ., 2003, 180 p. (In Russ.) Casais Monteiro Adolfo. A Poesia de Fernando Pessoa, organização de José Blanco. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional – Casa de Moeda, 1985, 259 p. Lago Pedro Martins. Poética y Metafísicaen Fernando Pessoa. Santiago de Compostela, Universidade Santiago de Compostela, 1993, 220 p. Lind Georg Rudolf. Estudossobre Fernando Pessoa. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional – Casa de Moeda, 1981, 492 p. Pessoa Fernando. Obra Poética e em Prosa. Porto, Lello e Irmão, 1986, vol. 1, 1212 p.; vol. 2, 1352 p., vol. 3, 1501 p. Rita Lopes Maria Teresa. Fernando Pessoa et Le Drame Symboliste. Heritage et Creation. Paris, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1977, 584 p. Seabra José Augusto. Fernando Pessoa ou o Poetodrama. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional – Casa de Moeda, 1988, 284 p. Simões João Gaspar. Vida e Obra de Fernando Pessoa. Amadora, Livraria Bertrand, 1981, 740 p. Quadros António. Fernando Pessoa. Iniciação Global à Obra. A Obra e o Homem. Lisboa, Arcádia, 1982, vol. 2, 225 p. Vila Maior Dionísio. Fernando Pessoa: Heteronimia e Dialogismo. Coimbra, Livraria Almedina, 1994, 270 p.
Author's info: Olga A. Ovcharenko, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Leading Researcher, Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky of the Russian Academy of Sciences, olgaimli@yandex.ru