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- Legal bases of activity of adjutants of a separate corps of gendarmes of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century – the early 20th century
- Bril’ G.G., Zaytsev L.N. Legal bases of activity of adjutants of a separate corps of gendarmes of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century – the early 20th century. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2021, vol. 27, № 2, pp. 187-194 (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 94(470)''19/20''
- Publish date: 2021-05-10
- Annotation: The work highlights the activities of adjutants of the political police, their place and role in the work of the gendarmerie apparatus of the Russian Empire. The source base of the research was made up of archival documents and materials, memoirs of the employees of the Kostroma provincial gendarmerie department, rotmistrov A.M. Polyakov and V.V. Parfyonov. The authors have studied the legal framework governing the activities of adjutants of a separate corps of gendarmes, the directions of their activities, as well as their place and role in the structure of the security body. The article studies the historical and legal foundations of the creation, development and functioning of the institute of adjutant of a separate corps of gendarmes on the territory of the Russian Empire, and their main directions. Conclusions are drawn about the formation and development of a separate corps of gendarmes of the Russian Empire, as well as the special role of its adjutants in the field of external and internal security. The continuity and significance of law enforcement agencies in the historical context is emphasised.
- Keywords: adjutant, personnel, separate corps of gendarmes, Kostroma provincial gendarmerie department
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